As last year, the French conference No Such Con returns for its second edition in Paris from the 19th of November until the 21th of November. And again, the brilliant Eloi Vanderbeken & his mates at Synacktiv put together a series of three security challenges especially for this occasion. Apparently, the three tasks have already been solved by awesome @0xfab which won the competition, hats off :).
To be honest I couldn't resist to try at least the first step, as I know that Eloi always builds really twisted and nice binaries ; so I figured I should just give it a go!
But this time we are trying something different though: this post has been co-authored by both Emilien Girault (@emiliengirault) and I. As we have slightly different solutions, we figured it would be a good idea to write those up inside a single post. This article starts with an introduction to the challenge and will then fork, presenting my solution and his.
As the article is quite long, here is the complete table of contents:
REcon: Here be dragons
This part is just here to get things started: how to have a debugging environment, to know a bit more about MIPS and to know a bit more what the binary is actually doing.
MIPS 101
The first interesting detail about this challenge is that it is a MIPS binary ; it's really kind of exotic for me. I'm mainly looking at Intel assembly, so having the opportunity to look at an unknown architecture is always appealing. You know it's like discovering a new little toy, so I just couldn't help myself & started to read the MIPS basics.
This part is going to describe only the essential information you need to both understand and crack wide open the binary ; and as I said I am not a MIPS expert, at all. From what I have seen though, this is fairly similar to what you can see on an Intel x86 CPU:
- It is little endian (note that it also exists a big-endian version but it won't be covered in this post),
- It has way more general purpose registers,
- The calling convention is similar to __fastcall: you pass arguments via registers, and get the return of the function in $v0,
- Unlike x86, MIPS is RISC, so much simpler to take in hand (trust me on that one),
- Of course, there is an IDA processor,
- Linux and the regular tools also exists for MIPS so we will be able to use the "normal" tools we are used to use,
- It also uses a stack, much less than x86 though as most of the things happening are in registers (in the challenge at least).
Setting up a proper debugging environment
The answer to that question is Qemu, as expected. You can even download already fully prepared & working Debian images on aurel32's website.
overclok@wildout:~/chall/nsc2014$ wget
overclok@wildout:~/chall/nsc2014$ wget
overclok@wildout:~/chall/nsc2014$ cat
qemu-system-mipsel -M malta -kernel vmlinux-3.2.0-4-4kc-malta -hda debian_wheezy_mipsel_standard.qcow2 -vga none -append "root=/dev/sda1 console=tty0" -nographic
overclok@wildout:~/chall/nsc2014$ ./
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[ 0.000000] Linux version 3.2.0-4-4kc-malta ( (gcc version 4.6.3 (Debian 4.6.3-14) ) #1 Debian 3.2.51-1
debian-mipsel login: root
Last login: Sat Oct 11 00:04:51 UTC 2014 on ttyS0
Linux debian-mipsel 3.2.0-4-4kc-malta #1 Debian 3.2.51-1 mips
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
root@debian-mipsel:~# uname -a
Linux debian-mipsel 3.2.0-4-4kc-malta #1 Debian 3.2.51-1 mips GNU/Linux
Feel free to install your essentials in the virtual environment, some tools might come handy (it should take a bit of time to install them though):
root@debian-mipsel:~# aptitude install strace gdb gcc python
root@debian-mipsel:~# wget
root@debian-mipsel:~# mv gdbinit-mips ~/.gdbinit
root@debian-mipsel:~# gdb -q /home/user/crackmips
Reading symbols from /home/user/crackmips...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(gdb) b *main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x402024
(gdb) r 'doar-e ftw'
Starting program: /home/user/crackmips 'doar-e ftw'
V0: 7FFF6D30 V1: 77FEE000 A0: 00000002 A1: 7FFF6DF4
A2: 7FFF6E00 A3: 0000006C T0: 77F611E4 T1: 0FFFFFFE
T2: 0000000A T3: 77FF6ED0 T4: 77FE5590 T5: FFFFFFFF
T6: F0000000 T7: 7FFF6BE8 S0: 00000000 S1: 00000000
S2: 00000000 S3: 00000000 S4: 004FD268 S5: 004FD148
S6: 004D0000 S7: 00000063 T8: 77FD7A5C T9: 00402024
GP: 77F67970 S8: 0000006C HI: 000001A5 LO: 00005E17
SP: 7FFF6D18 PC: 00402024 RA: 77DF2208
=> 0x402024 <main>: addiu sp,sp,-72
0x402028 <main+4>: sw ra,68(sp)
0x40202c <main+8>: sw s8,64(sp)
0x402030 <main+12>: move s8,sp
0x402034 <main+16>: sw a0,72(s8)
0x402038 <main+20>: sw a1,76(s8)
0x40203c <main+24>: lw v1,72(s8)
0x402040 <main+28>: li v0,2
And finally you should be able to run the wild beast:
root@debian-mipsel:~# /home/user/crackmips
usage: /home/user/crackmips password
root@debian-mipsel:~# /home/user/crackmips 'doar-e ftw'
Brilliant :-).
The big picture
Now that we have a way of both launching and debugging the challenge, we can open the binary in IDA and start to understand what type of protection scheme is used. As always at that point, we are really not interested in details: we just want to understand how it works and what parts we will have to target to get the good boy message.
After a bit of time in IDA, here is how works the binary:
- It checks that the user supplied one argument: the serial
- It checks that the supplied serial is 48 characters long
- It converts the string into 6 DWORDs (/!\ pitfall warning: the conversion is a bit strange, be sure to verify your algorithm)
- The beast forks in two:
- [Father] It seems, somehow, this one is driving the son, more on that later
- [Son] After executing a big chunk of code that modifies (in place) the 6 original DWORDs, they get compared against the following string [ Synacktiv + NSC = <3 ]
- [Son] If the comparison succeeds you win, else you loose
Basically, we need to find the 6 input DWORDs that are going to generate the following ones in output: 0x7953205b, 0x6b63616e, 0x20766974, 0x534e202b, 0x203d2043, 0x5d20333c. We also know that the father is going to interact with its son, so we need to study both codes to be sure to understand the challenge properly. If you prefer code, here is the big picture in C:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
DWORD serial_dwords[6] = {0};
if(argc != 2)
// Conversion
a2i(argv[1], serial_dwords);
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid != 0)
// Father
// a lot of stuff going on here, we will see that later on
// Son
// a lot of stuff going on here, we will see that later on
char *clear = (char*)serial_dwords;
bool win = memcmp(clear, "[ Synacktiv + NSC = <3 ]", 48);
Let's get our hands dirty
Father's in charge
The first thing I did after having the big picture was to look at the code of the father. Why? The code seemed a bit simpler than the son's one, so I figured studying the father would make more sense to understand what kind of protection we need to subvert. You can even crank up strace to have a clearer overview of the syscalls used:
root@debian-mipsel:~# strace -i /home/user/crackmips $(python -c 'print "1"*48')
[7734e224] execve("/home/user/crackmips", ["/home/user/crackmips", "11111111111111111111111111111111"...], [/* 12 vars */]) = 0
[77335e70] clone(child_stack=0, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x77491068) = 2539
[77335e70] --- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
[7733557c] waitpid(2539, [{WIFSTOPPED(s) && WSTOPSIG(s) == SIGTRAP}], __WALL) = 2539
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, 2539, 0, SIG_0) = 0
[7737052c] --- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
[7733557c] waitpid(2539, [{WIFSTOPPED(s) && WSTOPSIG(s) == SIGTRAP}], __WALL) = 2539
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, 2539, 0, SIG_0) = 0
[7737052c] --- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
[7733557c] waitpid(2539, [{WIFSTOPPED(s) && WSTOPSIG(s) == SIGTRAP}], __WALL) = 2539
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, 2539, 0, SIG_0) = 0
[7733557c] waitpid(2539, [{WIFSTOPPED(s) && WSTOPSIG(s) == SIGTRAP}], __WALL) = 2539
[7733557c] --- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, 2539, 0, SIG_0) = 0
[7737052c] --- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
[7733557c] waitpid(2539, [{WIFSTOPPED(s) && WSTOPSIG(s) == SIGTRAP}], __WALL) = 2539
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, 2539, 0, SIG_0) = 0
[7737052c] --- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
[7733557c] waitpid(2539, [{WIFSTOPPED(s) && WSTOPSIG(s) == SIGTRAP}], __WALL) = 2539
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, 2539, 0, SIG_0) = 0
[7737052c] --- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
[7733557c] waitpid(2539, [{WIFSTOPPED(s) && WSTOPSIG(s) == SIGTRAP}], __WALL) = 2539
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, 2539, 0, 0x7f8f87c4) = 0
[7737052c] ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, 2539, 0, SIG_0) = 0
That's an interesting output that I didn't expect at all actually. What we are seeing here is the father driving its son by modifying, potentially (we will find out that later), its context every time the son is SIGTRAPing (note waitpid second argument).
From here, if you are quite familiar with the different existing type of software protections (I'm not saying I am an expert in this field but I just happened to know that one :-P) you can pretty much guess what that is: nanomites this is!
Nanomites 101
Namomites are quite a nice protection. Though, it is quite a generic name ; you can really use that protection scheme in whatever way you like: your imagination is the only limit here. To be honest, this was the first time I saw this kind of protection implemented on a Unix system ; really good surprise! It usually works this way:
- You have two processes: a driver and a driven ; a father and a son
- The driver is attaching itself to the driven one with the debug APIs available on the targeted platform (ptrace here, and CreateProcess/DebugActiveProcess on Windows)
- Note that, by design you won't be able to attach yourself to the son as both Windows and Linux prevent that (by design): some people call that part the DebugBlocker
- You will able to debug the driver though
- Usually the interesting code is in the son, but again you can do whatever you want. Basically, you have two rules if you want an efficient protection:
- Make sure the driven process can't run without its driver and that they are really tied to each other
- The strength of the protection is that strong/intimate bound between the two processes
- Design your algorithm such that removing the driver is really difficult/painful/driving mad the attacker
- The driven process can call/notify the driver by just SIGTRAPing with an int3/break instruction for example
As I said, I see this protection scheme more like a recipe: you are free to customize it at your convenience really. If you want to read more on the subject, here is a list of links you should check out:
- Nanomite and Debug Blocker for Linux Applications: It gives a good overview of how you can get such a protection scheme to work on Linux,
- Unpackme I am Famous: This shows you what nanomites look like on Windows in a real protected product ; done by my mate @w4kfu,
- Debug me: Another sweet challenge that uses nanomites on Windows
How the father works
Now it is time to took into details the father ; here is how it works:
- The first thing it does is to waitpid until its son triggers a SIGTRAP
- The driver retrieves the CPU context of the son process and more precisely its program counter: $pc
- Then we have a huge block of arithmetic computations. But after spending a bit of time to study it, we can see that huge block as a black-box function that takes two parameters: the program counter of the son and some kind of counter value (as this code is going to be executed in a loop, for each SIGTRAP this variable is going to be incremented). It generates a single output which is a 32 bits value that I call the first magic value. Let's not focus on what the block is actually doing though, we will develop some tool in the next part to deal with that :-) so let's keep moving!

This is what roughly is going to be executed every time the son is going to hit a break instruction ; the father is definitely driving the son. And we can feel it now, the son is going to jump (via its father) through block of codes that aren't (necessary) contiguous in memory, so studying the son code as it is in IDA is quite pointless as those basic blocks aren't going to be executed in this order.
Long story short, the nanomites are used as some kind of runtime code flow scrambling primitive, isn't it exciting? Told you that @elvanderb is crazy :-).
Gearing up: Writing a symbolic executing engine
At that point, I can assure you that we need some tooling: we have studied the binary, we know how the main parts work and we just need to extract the different equations/formulas used by both the computation of the son's program counter and the serial verification algorithm. Basically the engine is going to be useful to study both the father and the son.
If you are not really familiar with symbolic execution, I recommend you take a little bit of time to read Breaking Kryptonite's Obfuscation: A Static Analysis Approach Relying on Symbolic Execution and check out z3-playground if you are not really familiar with Z3 and its Python bindings.
This time I decided to not build that engine as an IDA Python script, but just to do everything myself. Do not be afraid though, even if it sounds scary it is really not: the challenge is a perfect environment for those kind of things. It doesn't use a lot of instructions, we don't need to support branches and nearly only arithmetic instructions are used.
I also chose to implement this engine in a way that we can also use it as a simple emulator. You can even use it as a decompiler if you want! The two other interesting points for us are:
- Once we run a piece of code in the symbolic engine, we will extract certain computations / formulas. Thanks to Microsoft's Z3 we will be able to retrieve input values that will generate specific output values: this is basically what you gain by using a solver and symbolic variables.
- But the other interesting point is that you still can use the extracted Z3 expressions as some kind of black-box functions. You know what the function is doing, kind of, but you don't know how ; and you are not interested in the how. You know the inputs, and the outputs. To obtain a concrete output value, you can just replace the symbolic variables by concrete values. This is really handy, especially when you are not only interested in finding input values to generate specific output values ; sometimes you just want to go both ways :-).
Anyway, after this long theoretical speech let's have a look at some code. The first important job of the engine is to be able to parse MIPS assembly: fortunately for us this is really easy. We are directly feeding plain-text MIPS disassembly directly copied from IDA to our engine:
def _parse_line(self, line):
addr_seg, instr, rest = line.split(None, 2)
args = rest.split(',')
for i in range(len(args)):
if '#' in args[i]:
args[i], _ = args[i].split(None, 1)
a0, a1, a2 = map(
lambda x: x.strip().replace('$', '') if x is not None else x,
args + [None]*(3 - len(args))
_, addr = addr_seg.split(':')
return int(addr, 16), instr, a0, a1, a2
From here you have all the information you need: the instruction and its operands (None if an operand doesn't exist as you can have up to 3 operands). The other important job that follows is to handle the different type of operands ; here are the ones I encountered in the challenge:
- General purpose register,
- Stack-variable,
- Immediate value.
To handle / convert those I created a bunch of dull / helper functions:
def _is_gpr(self, x):
'''Is it a valid GPR name?'''
return x in self.gpr
def _is_imm(self, x):
'''Is it a valid immediate?'''
x = x.replace('loc_', '0x')
int(x, 0)
return True
return False
def _to_imm(self, x):
'''Get an integer from a string immediate'''
if self._is_imm(x):
x = x.replace('loc_', '0x')
return int(x, 0)
return None
def _is_memderef(self, x):
'''Is it a memory dereference?'''
return '(' in x and ')' in x
def is_stackvar(self, x):
'''Is is a stack variable?'''
return ('(fp)' in x and '+' in x) or ('var_' in x and '+' in x)
def to_stackvar(self, x):
'''Get the stack variable name'''
_, var_name = x.split('+')
return var_name.replace('(fp)', '')
Finally, we have to handle every different instructions and their encodings. Of course, you need to implement only the instructions you want: most likely the ones that are used in the code you are interested int. In a nutshell, this is the core of the engine. You can also use it to output valid Python/C lines if you fancy having a decompiler in your sleeve ; might be handy right?
This is what the core function looks like, it is really simple, dumb and so unoptimized ; but at least it's clear to me:
def step(self):
'''This is the core of the engine -- you are supposed to implement the semantics
of all the instructions you want to emulate here.'''
line = self.code[self.pc]
addr, instr, a0, a1, a2 = self._parse_line(line)
if instr == 'sw':
if self._is_gpr(a0) and self.is_stackvar(a1) and a2 is None:
var_name = self.to_stackvar(a1)'%s = $%s', var_name, a0)
self.stack[var_name] = self.gpr[a0]
elif self._is_gpr(a0) and self._is_memderef(a1) and a2 is None:
idx, base = a1.split('(')
base = base.replace('$', '').replace(')', '')
computed_address = self.gpr[base] + self._to_imm(idx)'[%s + %s] = $%s', base, idx, a0)
self.mem[computed_address] = self.gpr[a0]
raise Exception('sw not implemented')
elif instr == 'lw':
if self._is_gpr(a0) and self.is_stackvar(a1) and a2 is None:
var_name = self.to_stackvar(a1)
if var_name not in self.stack:' WARNING: Assuming %s was 0', (var_name, ))
self.stack[var_name] = 0'$%s = %s', a0, var_name)
self.gpr[a0] = self.stack[var_name]
elif self._is_gpr(a0) and self._is_memderef(a1) and a2 is None:
idx, base = a1.split('(')
base = base.replace('$', '').replace(')', '')
computed_address = self.gpr[base] + self._to_imm(idx)
if computed_address not in self.mem:
value = raw_input(' WARNING %.8x is not in your memory store -- what value is there @0x%.8x?' % (computed_address, computed_address))
value = self.mem[computed_address]'$%s = [%s+%s]', a0, idx, base)
self.gpr[a0] = value
raise Exception('lw not implemented')
The first level of if handles the different instructions, the second level of if handles the different encodings an instruction can have. The self.logger thingy is just my way to save the execution traces in files to let the console clean:
def __init__(self, trace_name):
self.gpr = {
'zero' : 0,
'at' : 0,
'v0' : 0,
'v1' : 0,
# [...]
'lo' : 0,
'hi' : 0
self.stack = {}
self.pc = 0
self.code = []
self.mem = {}
self.stack_offsets = {}
self.debug = False
self.enable_z3 = False
if os.path.exists('traces') == False:
self.logger = logging.getLogger(trace_name)
h = logging.FileHandler(
os.path.join('traces', trace_name),
mode = 'w'
'%(levelname)s: %(asctime)s %(funcName)s @ l%(lineno)d -- %(message)s',
datefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
At that point, if I wanted only an emulator I would be done. But because I want to use Z3 and symbolic variables I want to get your attention on two common pitfalls that can cost you hours of debugging (trust me on that one :-():
- The first one is that the operator __rshift__ isn't the logical right shift but the arithmetical one; which is quite different and can generate results you don't expect:
In [1]: from z3 import *
In [2]: simplify(BitVecVal(4, 3) >> 1)
Out[2]: 6
In [3]: simplify(LShR(BitVecVal(4, 3), 1))
Out[3]: 2
In [4]: 4 >> 1
Out[4]: 2
To workaround that I usually define my own _LShR function that does whatever is correct according to the operand types (yes we could also replace z3.BitVecNumRef.__rshift__ by LShR directly):
def _LShR(self, a, b):
'''Useful hook function if you want to run the emulation
with/without Z3 as LShR is different from >> in Z3'''
if self.enable_z3:
if isinstance(a, long) or isinstance(a, int):
a = BitVecVal(a, 32)
if isinstance(b, long) or isinstance(b, int):
b = BitVecVal(b, 32)
return LShR(a, b)
return a >> b
- The other interesting detail to keep in mind is that you can't have any overflow on BitVecs of the same size ; the result is automatically truncated. So if you happen to have mathematical operations that need to overflow, like a multiplication (this is used in the challenge), you should store the temporary result in a bigger temporary variable. In my case, I was supposed to store the overflow inside another register, $hi which is used to store the high DWORD part of the result. But because I wasn't storing the result in a bigger BitVec, $hi ended up always equal to zero which is quite a nice problem when you have to pinpoint this issue in thousands lines of assembly :-).
elif instr == 'multu':
if self._is_gpr(a0) and self._is_gpr(a1) and a2 is None:'$lo = ($%s * $%s) & 0xffffffff', a0, a1)'$hi = ($%s * $%s) >> 32', a0, a1)
if self.enable_z3:
a0bis, a1bis = self.gpr[a0], self.gpr[a1]
if isinstance(a0bis, int) or isinstance(a0bis, long):
a0bis = BitVecVal(a0bis, 32)
if isinstance(a1bis, int) or isinstance(a1bis, long):
a1bis = BitVecVal(a1bis, 32)
a064 = ZeroExt(32, a0bis)
a164 = ZeroExt(32, a1bis)
r = a064 * a164
self.gpr['lo'] = Extract(31, 0, r)
self.gpr['hi'] = Extract(63, 32, r)
x = self.gpr[a0] * self.gpr[a1]
self.gpr['lo'] = x & 0xffffffff
self.gpr['hi'] = self._LShR(x, 32)
I think this is it really, you can now impress girls with your brand new shiny toy, check this out:
def main(argc, argv):
print '=' * 50
sym = MiniMipsSymExecEngine('donotcare.log')
sym.enable_z3 = True
a = BitVec('a', 32)
sym.stack['var'] = a
sym.stack['var2'] = 0xdeadbeef
sym.stack['var3'] = 0x31337
sym.code = '''.doare:DEADBEEF lw $v0, 0x318+var($fp) # Load Word
.doare:DEADBEEF lw $v1, 0x318+var2($fp) # Load Word
.doare:DEADBEEF subu $v0, $v1, $v0 #
.doare:DEADBEEF li $v1, 0x446F8657 # Load Immediate
.doare:DEADBEEF multu $v0, $v1 # Multiply Unsigned
.doare:DEADBEEF mfhi $v1 # Move From HI
.doare:DEADBEEF subu $v0, $v1 # Subtract Unsigned'''.split('\n')
print 'Symbolic mode:'
print 'Resulting equation: %r' % sym.gpr['v0']
print 'Resulting value if `a` is 0xdeadb44: %#.8x' % substitute(
sym.gpr['v0'], (a, BitVecVal(0xdeadb44, 32))
print '=' * 50
emu = MiniMipsSymExecEngine('donotcare.log')
emu.stack = sym.stack
emu.stack['var'] = 0xdeadb44
sym.stack['var2'] = 0xdeadbeef
sym.stack['var3'] = 0x31337
emu.code = sym.code
print 'Emulator mode:'
print 'Resulting value when `a` is 0xdeadb44: %#.8x' % emu.gpr['v0']
print '=' * 50
return 1
Which results in:
PS D:\Codes\NoSuchCon2014> python .\
Symbolic mode:
Resulting equation: 3735928559 +
4294967295*a +
1148159575*Concat(0, 3735928559 + 4294967295*a))
Resulting value if `a` is 0xdeadb44: 0x98f42d24
Emulator mode:
Resulting value when `a` is 0xdeadb44: 0x98f42d24
Of course, I didn't mention a lot of details that still need to be addressed to have something working: simulating data areas, memory layouts, etc. If you are interested in those, you should read the codes in my NoSuchCon2014 folder.
Back into the battlefield
Here comes the important bits!
Extracting the function that generates the magic value from the son program counter
All right, the main objective in this part is to extract the formula that generates the first magic value. As we said earlier, this big block can be seen as a function that takes two arguments (or symbolic variables) and generates the magic DWORD in output. The first thing to do is to copy the code somewhere to feed it to our engine ; I decided to stick all the codes I needed into a separate Python file called
block_generate_magic_from_pc_son = '''.text:00400B8C lw $v0, 0x318+pc_son($fp) # Load Word
.text:00400B90 sw $v0, 0x318+tmp_pc($fp) # Store Word
.text:00400B94 la $v0, loc_400A78 # Load Address
.text:00400B9C lw $v1, 0x318+tmp_pc($fp) # Load Word
.text:00400BA0 subu $v0, $v1, $v0 # (regs.pc_father - 400A78)
.text:00400BA4 sw $v0, 0x318+tmp_pc($fp) # Store Word
.text:00400BA8 lw $v0, 0x318+var_300($fp) # Load Word
.text:00400BAC li $v1, 0x446F8657 # Load Immediate
.text:00400BB4 multu $v0, $v1 # Multiply Unsigned
.text:00400BB8 mfhi $v1 # Move From HI
.text:00400BBC subu $v0, $v1 # Subtract Unsigned
.text:00401424 lw $v0, 0x318+var_2F0($fp) # Load Word
.text:00401428 nor $v0, $zero, $v0 # NOR
.text:0040142C addiu $v0, 0x20 # Add Immediate Unsigned
.text:00401430 lw $a0, 0x318+tmp_pc($fp) # Load Word
.text:00401434 sllv $v0, $a0, $v0 # Shift Left Logical Variable
.text:00401438 or $v0, $v1, $v0 # OR
.text:0040143C sw $v0, 0x318+tmp_pc($fp) # Store Word'''.split('\n')
Then we have to prepare the environment of our engine: the two symbolic variables are stack-variables, so we have to insert them in the context of our virtual environment. The resulting formula is going to be in $v0 at the end of the execution ; this the holy grail, the formula we are after.
def extract_equation_of_function_that_generates_magic_value():
'''Here we do some magic to transform our mini MIPS emulator
into a symbolic execution engine ; the purpose is to extract
the formula of the function generating the 32-bits magic value'''
x = mini_mips_symexec_engine.MiniMipsSymExecEngine('function_that_generates_magic_value.log')
x.debug = False
x.enable_z3 = True
pc_son = BitVec('pc_son', 32)
n_break = BitVec('n_break', 32)
x.stack['pc_son'] = pc_son
x.stack['var_300'] = n_break
emu_generate_magic_from_son_pc(x, print_final_state = False)
compute_magic_equation = x.gpr['v0']
with open(os.path.join('formulas', 'generate_magic_value_from_pc_son.smt2'), 'w') as f:
f.write(to_SMT2(compute_magic_equation, name = 'generate_magic_from_pc_son'))
return pc_son, n_break, simplify(compute_magic_equation)
You can now keep in memory the formula & wrap this function in another one so that you can reuse it every time you need it:
var_magic, var_n_break, expr_magic = [None]*3
def generate_magic_from_son_pc_using_z3(pc_son, n_break):
'''Generates the 32 bits magic value thanks to the output
of the symbolic execution engine: run the analysis once, extract
the complete equation & reuse it as much as you want'''
global var_magic, var_n_break, expr_magic
if var_magic is None and var_n_break is None and expr_magic is None:
var_magic, var_n_break, expr_magic = extract_equation_of_function_that_generates_magic_value()
return substitute(
(var_magic, BitVecVal(pc_son, 32)),
(var_n_break, BitVecVal(n_break, 32))
The power of using symbolic variables here lies in the fact that we don't need to run the emulator every single time you need to call this function ; you get once the generic formula and you just have to substitute the symbolic variables by the concrete values you want. This comes for free with our code, so let's use it heh :-).
; generate_magic_from_pc_son
(declare-fun n_break () (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun pc_son () (_ BitVec 32))
(let ((?x14 (bvadd n_break (bvmul (_ bv4294967295 32) ((_ extract 63 32) (bvmul (_ bv1148159575 64) (concat (_ bv0 32) n_break)))))))
(let ((?x21 ((_ extract 63 32) (bvmul (_ bv1148159575 64) (concat (_ bv0 32) n_break)))))
(let ((?x8 (bvadd ?x21 (concat (_ bv0 1) ((_ extract 31 1) ?x14)))))
(let ((?x26 ((_ extract 31 6) ?x8)))
(let ((?x24 (bvadd (_ bv32 32) (concat (_ bv63 6) (bvnot ?x26)))))
(let ((?x27 (concat (_ bv0 6) ?x26)))
(let ((?x42 (bvmul (_ bv4294967295 32) ?x27)))
(let ((?x67 ((_ extract 6 6) ?x8)))
(let ((?x120 ((_ extract 7 6) ?x8)))
(let ((?x38 (concat (bvadd (_ bv30088 15) ((_ extract 14 0) pc_son)) ((_ extract 31 15) (bvadd (_ bv4290770312 32) pc_son)))))
(let ((?x41 (bvxor (bvadd (bvor (bvlshr ?x38 (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27)) (bvshl ?x38 ?x24)) ?x42) ?x27)))
(let ((?x63 (bvor ((_ extract 0 0) (bvlshr ?x38 (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27))) ((_ extract 0 0) (bvshl ?x38 ?x24)))))
(let ((?x56 (concat (bvadd (_ bv1 1) (bvxor (bvadd ?x63 ?x67) ?x67)) ((_ extract 31 1) (bvadd (_ bv2142377237 32) ?x41)))))
(let ((?x66 (concat (bvadd ((_ extract 9 1) (bvadd (_ bv2142377237 32) ?x41)) ((_ extract 14 6) ?x8)) ((_ extract 31 31) (bvadd ?x56 ?x27)) ((_ extract 30 9) (bvadd ((_ extract 31 1) (bvadd (_ bv2142377237 32) ?x41)) (concat (_ bv0 5) ?x26))))))
(let ((?x118 (bvor ((_ extract 1 0) (bvshl ?x66 (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27))) ((_ extract 1 0) (bvlshr ?x66 ?x24)))))
(let ((?x122 (bvnot (bvadd ?x118 ?x120))))
(let ((?x45 (bvadd (bvor (bvshl ?x66 (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27)) (bvlshr ?x66 ?x24)) ?x27)))
(let ((?x76 ((_ extract 4 2) ?x45)))
(let ((?x110 (bvnot ((_ extract 5 5) ?x45))))
(let ((?x55 ((_ extract 8 6) ?x45)))
(let ((?x108 (bvnot ((_ extract 10 9) ?x45))))
(let ((?x78 ((_ extract 13 11) ?x45)))
(let ((?x106 (bvnot ((_ extract 14 14) ?x45))))
(let ((?x80 ((_ extract 15 15) ?x45)))
(let ((?x104 (bvnot ((_ extract 16 16) ?x45))))
(let ((?x123 (concat (bvnot ((_ extract 31 29) ?x45)) ((_ extract 28 28) ?x45) (bvnot ((_ extract 27 27) ?x45)) ((_ extract 26 26) ?x45) (bvnot ((_ extract 25 25) ?x45)) ((_ extract 24 24) ?x45) (bvnot ((_ extract 23 21) ?x45)) ((_ extract 20 20) ?x45) (bvnot ((_ extract 19 18) ?x45)) ((_ extract 17 17) ?x45) ?x104 ?x80 ?x106 ?x78 ?x108 ?x55 ?x110 ?x76 ?x122)))
(let ((?x50 (concat (bvnot ((_ extract 30 29) ?x45)) ((_ extract 28 28) ?x45) (bvnot ((_ extract 27 27) ?x45)) ((_ extract 26 26) ?x45) (bvnot ((_ extract 25 25) ?x45)) ((_ extract 24 24) ?x45) (bvnot ((_ extract 23 21) ?x45)) ((_ extract 20 20) ?x45) (bvnot ((_ extract 19 18) ?x45)) ((_ extract 17 17) ?x45) ?x104 ?x80 ?x106 ?x78 ?x108 ?x55 ?x110 ?x76 ?x122)))
(let ((?x91 (bvadd (_ bv1720220585 32) (concat (bvnot (bvadd (_ bv612234822 31) ?x50)) (bvnot ((_ extract 31 31) (bvadd (_ bv612234822 32) ?x123)))) ?x42)))
(let ((?x137 (bvnot (bvadd (_ bv128582 17) (concat ?x104 ?x80 ?x106 ?x78 ?x108 ?x55 ?x110 ?x76 ?x122)))))
(let ((?x146 (bvadd (_ bv31657 18) (concat ?x137 (bvnot ((_ extract 31 31) (bvadd (_ bv612234822 32) ?x123)))) (bvmul (_ bv262143 18) ((_ extract 23 6) ?x8)))))
(let ((?x131 (bvadd (_ bv2800103692 32) (concat ?x146 ((_ extract 31 18) ?x91)))))
(let ((?x140 (concat ((_ extract 18 18) ?x91) ((_ extract 31 31) ?x131) (bvnot ((_ extract 30 30) ?x131)) ((_ extract 29 27) ?x131) (bvnot ((_ extract 26 25) ?x131)) ((_ extract 24 24) ?x131) (bvnot ((_ extract 23 22) ?x131)) ((_ extract 21 21) ?x131) (bvnot ((_ extract 20 20) ?x131)) ((_ extract 19 19) ?x131) (bvnot ((_ extract 18 17) ?x131)) ((_ extract 16 14) ?x131) (bvnot ((_ extract 13 9) ?x131)) ((_ extract 8 8) ?x131) (bvnot ((_ extract 7 6) ?x131)) ((_ extract 5 4) ?x131) (bvnot ((_ extract 3 1) ?x131)))))
(let ((?x176 (bvnot (bvadd (concat ((_ extract 4 4) ?x131) (bvnot ((_ extract 3 1) ?x131))) ((_ extract 9 6) ?x8)))))
(let ((?x177 (bvadd (concat ?x176 (bvnot ((_ extract 31 4) (bvadd ?x140 ?x27)))) ?x42)))
(let ((?x187 (bvadd (bvnot ((_ extract 13 4) (bvadd ?x140 ?x27))) (bvmul (_ bv1023 10) ((_ extract 15 6) ?x8)))))
(let ((?x180 (concat (bvadd ((_ extract 23 10) ?x177) (bvmul (_ bv16383 14) ((_ extract 19 6) ?x8))) ((_ extract 31 14) (bvadd (concat ?x187 ((_ extract 31 10) ?x177)) ?x42)))))
(let ((?x79 (bvadd (bvxor (bvadd ?x180 ?x27) ?x27) ?x42)))
(let ((?x211 (concat (bvadd ((_ extract 17 10) ?x177) (bvmul (_ bv255 8) ((_ extract 13 6) ?x8))) ((_ extract 31 14) (bvadd (concat ?x187 ((_ extract 31 10) ?x177)) ?x42)))))
(let ((?x190 (concat (bvnot (bvadd (bvxor (bvadd ?x211 ?x26) ?x26) (bvmul (_ bv67108863 26) ?x26))) (bvnot ((_ extract 31 26) ?x79)))))
(let ((?x173 (bvadd (bvnot (bvadd (_ bv3113082326 32) ?x190 ?x27)) ?x27)))
(let ((?x174 ((_ extract 9 6) ?x8)))
(let ((?x255 ((_ extract 2 2) (bvadd (bvnot (bvadd (_ bv6 4) (bvnot ((_ extract 29 26) ?x79)) ?x174)) ?x174))))
(let ((?x253 ((_ extract 3 3) (bvadd (bvnot (bvadd (_ bv6 4) (bvnot ((_ extract 29 26) ?x79)) ?x174)) ?x174))))
(let ((?x144 ((_ extract 23 6) ?x8)))
(let ((?x233 ((_ extract 17 6) ?x8)))
(let ((?x235 (bvxor (bvadd ((_ extract 25 14) (bvadd (concat ?x187 ((_ extract 31 10) ?x177)) ?x42)) ?x233) ?x233)))
(let ((?x244 (bvadd (_ bv122326 18) (concat (bvnot (bvadd ?x235 (bvmul (_ bv4095 12) ?x233))) (bvnot ((_ extract 31 26) ?x79))) ?x144)))
(let ((?x246 (bvadd (bvnot ?x244) ?x144)))
(let ((?x293 (concat (bvnot ((_ extract 24 23) ?x173)) ((_ extract 22 18) ?x173) ((_ extract 17 17) ?x246) (bvnot ((_ extract 16 16) ?x246)) ((_ extract 15 15) ?x246) (bvnot ((_ extract 14 12) ?x246)) ((_ extract 11 10) ?x246) (bvnot ((_ extract 9 9) ?x246)) ((_ extract 8 8) ?x246) (bvnot ((_ extract 7 7) ?x246)) ((_ extract 6 6) ?x246) (bvnot ((_ extract 5 4) ?x246)) (bvnot ?x253) ?x255 (bvnot (bvadd (bvnot (bvadd (_ bv2 2) (bvnot ((_ extract 27 26) ?x79)) ?x120)) ?x120)) (bvnot ((_ extract 31 29) ?x173)) ((_ extract 28 28) ?x173) (bvnot ((_ extract 27 26) ?x173)) ((_ extract 25 25) ?x173))))
(let ((?x324 (bvor ((_ extract 0 0) (bvshl ?x293 (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27))) ((_ extract 0 0) (bvlshr ?x293 ?x24)))))
(let ((?x202 (bvadd (bvor (bvshl ?x293 (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27)) (bvlshr ?x293 ?x24)) ?x27)))
(let ((?x261 (concat ((_ extract 31 31) ?x202) (bvnot ((_ extract 30 29) ?x202)) ((_ extract 28 27) ?x202) (bvnot ((_ extract 26 25) ?x202)) ((_ extract 24 22) ?x202) (bvnot ((_ extract 21 18) ?x202)) ((_ extract 17 17) ?x202) (bvnot ((_ extract 16 15) ?x202)) ((_ extract 14 13) ?x202) (bvnot ((_ extract 12 12) ?x202)) ((_ extract 11 7) ?x202) (bvnot ((_ extract 6 5) ?x202)) ((_ extract 4 2) ?x202) (bvnot ((_ extract 1 1) ?x202)) (bvadd ?x324 ?x67))))
(let ((?x250 (concat ((_ extract 11 7) ?x202) (bvnot ((_ extract 6 5) ?x202)) ((_ extract 4 2) ?x202) (bvnot ((_ extract 1 1) ?x202)) (bvadd ?x324 ?x67))))
(let ((?x331 (bvadd (_ bv1397077939 32) (concat (bvadd (_ bv4018 12) ?x250) ((_ extract 31 12) (bvadd (_ bv1471406002 32) ?x261))) ?x27)))
(let ((?x264 (bvor (bvshl (bvadd (bvnot ?x331) ?x27) (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27)) (bvlshr (bvadd (bvnot ?x331) ?x27) ?x24))))
(let ((?x298 (bvor (bvshl (bvadd (_ bv1031407080 32) ?x264 ?x42) (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27)) (bvlshr (bvadd (_ bv1031407080 32) ?x264 ?x42) ?x24))))
(let ((?x231 (bvor ((_ extract 31 17) (bvshl ?x298 (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27))) ((_ extract 31 17) (bvlshr ?x298 ?x24)))))
(let ((?x220 (bvor ((_ extract 16 0) (bvshl ?x298 (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27))) ((_ extract 16 0) (bvlshr ?x298 ?x24)))))
(let ((?x283 (bvor (bvshl (concat ?x220 ?x231) (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27)) (bvlshr (concat ?x220 ?x231) ?x24))))
(let ((?x119 (bvadd (_ bv4200859627 32) (bvnot (bvor (bvshl ?x283 (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27)) (bvlshr ?x283 ?x24))))))
(let ((?x201 (bvshl ?x119 ?x24)))
(let ((?x405 (bvadd (bvor ((_ extract 10 8) (bvlshr ?x119 (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27))) ((_ extract 10 8) ?x201)) ((_ extract 8 6) ?x8))))
(let ((?x343 (concat (bvor ((_ extract 7 0) (bvlshr ?x119 (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27))) ((_ extract 7 0) ?x201)) (bvor ((_ extract 31 8) (bvlshr ?x119 (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27))) ((_ extract 31 8) ?x201)))))
(let ((?x199 (bvadd (_ bv752876532 32) (bvnot (bvadd ?x343 ?x27)) ?x27)))
(let ((?x409 (concat ((_ extract 31 29) ?x199) (bvnot ((_ extract 28 28) ?x199)) ((_ extract 27 27) ?x199) (bvnot ((_ extract 26 26) ?x199)) ((_ extract 25 25) ?x199) (bvnot ((_ extract 24 24) ?x199)) ((_ extract 23 23) ?x199) (bvnot ((_ extract 22 22) ?x199)) ((_ extract 21 21) ?x199) (bvnot ((_ extract 20 19) ?x199)) ((_ extract 18 18) ?x199) (bvnot ((_ extract 17 17) ?x199)) ((_ extract 16 16) ?x199) (bvnot ((_ extract 15 15) ?x199)) ((_ extract 14 11) ?x199) (bvnot ((_ extract 10 10) ?x199)) ((_ extract 9 9) ?x199) (bvnot ((_ extract 8 7) ?x199)) ((_ extract 6 6) ?x199) (bvnot ((_ extract 5 4) ?x199)) ((_ extract 3 3) ?x199) (bvnot (bvadd (_ bv4 3) (bvnot ?x405) ((_ extract 8 6) ?x8))))))
(let ((?x342 (bvlshr (bvadd (_ bv330202175 32) ?x409) ?x24)))
(let ((?x20 (bvadd (_ bv1 32) ?x27)))
(let ((?x337 (bvshl (bvadd (_ bv330202175 32) ?x409) ?x20)))
(let ((?x354 (bvadd (_ bv651919116 32) (bvor ?x337 ?x342))))
(let ((?x414 (concat (bvnot ((_ extract 26 26) ?x354)) ((_ extract 25 25) ?x354) (bvnot ((_ extract 24 24) ?x354)) (bvnot ((_ extract 23 23) ?x354)) ((_ extract 22 22) ?x354) (bvnot ((_ extract 21 21) ?x354)) (bvnot ((_ extract 20 18) ?x354)) ((_ extract 17 13) ?x354) (bvnot ((_ extract 12 10) ?x354)) ((_ extract 9 8) ?x354) (bvnot ((_ extract 7 7) ?x354)) ((_ extract 6 5) ?x354) (bvnot ((_ extract 4 4) ?x354)) (bvnot ((_ extract 3 3) ?x354)) (bvnot ((_ extract 2 2) ?x354)) (bvor ((_ extract 1 1) ?x337) ((_ extract 1 1) ?x342)) (bvnot (bvor ((_ extract 0 0) ?x337) ((_ extract 0 0) ?x342))) (bvnot ((_ extract 31 31) ?x354)) ((_ extract 30 30) ?x354) (bvnot ((_ extract 29 28) ?x354)) ((_ extract 27 27) ?x354))))
(let ((?x464 (concat ((_ extract 22 22) ?x354) (bvnot ((_ extract 21 21) ?x354)) (bvnot ((_ extract 20 18) ?x354)) ((_ extract 17 13) ?x354) (bvnot ((_ extract 12 10) ?x354)) ((_ extract 9 8) ?x354) (bvnot ((_ extract 7 7) ?x354)) ((_ extract 6 5) ?x354) (bvnot ((_ extract 4 4) ?x354)) (bvnot ((_ extract 3 3) ?x354)) (bvnot ((_ extract 2 2) ?x354)) (bvor ((_ extract 1 1) ?x337) ((_ extract 1 1) ?x342)) (bvnot (bvor ((_ extract 0 0) ?x337) ((_ extract 0 0) ?x342))) (bvnot ((_ extract 31 31) ?x354)) ((_ extract 30 30) ?x354) (bvnot ((_ extract 29 28) ?x354)) ((_ extract 27 27) ?x354))))
(let ((?x474 (concat (bvadd (_ bv141595581 28) (bvnot (bvxor (bvadd (_ bv178553293 28) ?x464) (concat (_ bv0 2) ?x26)))) ((_ extract 31 28) (bvadd (_ bv4168127421 32) (bvnot (bvxor (bvadd (_ bv2594472397 32) ?x414) ?x27)))))))
(let ((?x495 (bvadd (_ bv1994801052 32) (bvxor (_ bv1407993787 32) (bvor (bvshl ?x474 ?x20) (bvlshr ?x474 ?x24)) ?x27) ?x42)))
(let ((?x392 (concat (bvor ((_ extract 13 0) (bvlshr ?x495 ?x20)) ((_ extract 13 0) (bvshl ?x495 ?x24))) (bvor ((_ extract 31 14) (bvlshr ?x495 ?x20)) ((_ extract 31 14) (bvshl ?x495 ?x24))))))
(let ((?x388 (bvlshr ?x392 ?x24)))
(let ((?x494 (concat (bvnot (bvor ((_ extract 31 31) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 31 31) ?x388))) (bvor ((_ extract 30 30) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 30 30) ?x388)) (bvnot (bvor ((_ extract 29 27) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 29 27) ?x388))) (bvor ((_ extract 26 25) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 26 25) ?x388)) (bvnot (bvor ((_ extract 24 23) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 24 23) ?x388))) (bvor ((_ extract 22 21) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 22 21) ?x388)) (bvnot (bvor ((_ extract 20 16) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 20 16) ?x388))) (bvor ((_ extract 15 15) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 15 15) ?x388)) (bvnot (bvor ((_ extract 14 14) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 14 14) ?x388))) (bvor ((_ extract 13 12) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 13 12) ?x388)) (bvnot (bvor ((_ extract 11 10) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 11 10) ?x388))) (bvor ((_ extract 9 8) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 9 8) ?x388)) (bvnot (bvor ((_ extract 7 2) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 7 2) ?x388))) (bvor ((_ extract 1 1) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 1 1) ?x388)) (bvnot (bvor ((_ extract 0 0) (bvshl ?x392 ?x20)) ((_ extract 0 0) ?x388))))))
(let ((?x450 (bvor (bvlshr ?x494 ?x20) (bvshl ?x494 ?x24))))
(bvor (bvlshr ?x450 ?x20) (bvshl ?x450 ?x24)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Quite happy we don't have to study that right?
Extracting the function that generates the new program counter from the second magic value
For the second big block of code, we can do exactly the same thing: copy the code, configure the virtual environment with our symbolic variables and wrap the function:
def extract_equation_of_function_that_generates_new_son_pc():
'''Extract the formula of the function generating the new son's $pc'''
x = mini_mips_symexec_engine.MiniMipsSymExecEngine('function_that_generates_new_son_pc.log')
x.debug = False
x.enable_z3 = True
tmp_pc = BitVec('magic', 32)
n_loop = BitVec('n_loop', 32)
x.stack['tmp_pc'] = tmp_pc
x.stack['var_2F0'] = n_loop
emu_generate_new_pc_for_son(x, print_final_state = False)
compute_pc_equation = simplify(x.gpr['v0'])
with open(os.path.join('formulas', 'generate_new_pc_son.smt2'), 'w') as f:
f.write(to_SMT2(compute_pc_equation, name = 'generate_new_pc_son'))
return tmp_pc, n_loop, compute_pc_equation
var_new_pc, var_n_loop, expr_new_pc = [None]*3
def generate_new_pc_from_magic_high(magic_high, n_loop):
global var_new_pc, var_n_loop, expr_new_pc
if var_new_pc is None and var_n_loop is None and expr_new_pc is None:
var_new_pc, var_n_loop, expr_new_pc = extract_equation_of_function_that_generates_new_son_pc()
return substitute(
(var_new_pc, BitVecVal(magic_high, 32)),
(var_n_loop, BitVecVal(n_loop, 32))
If you are interested in what the formula looks like, it is also available in the NoSuchCon2014 folder on my github.
Putting it all together: building a function that computes the new program counter of the son
Obviously, we don't really care about those two previous functions, we just want to combine them together to implement the computation of the new program counter from both the round number & where the son SIGTRAP'd. The only missing bits is the lookup in the QWORDs array to extract the second magic value. We just have to dump the array inside another file called This is done with a simple IDA Python one-liner:
values = dict((0x00414130+i*8, Qword(0x00414130+i*8)) for i in range(0x25E))
Now, we can build the whole function easily by combining all those pieces:
def generate_new_pc_from_pc_son_using_z3(pc_son, n_break):
'''Generate the new program counter from the address where the son SIGTRAP'd and
the number of SIGTRAP the son encountered'''
loop_n = (n_break / 101)
magic = generate_magic_from_son_pc_using_z3(pc_son, n_break)
idx = None
for i in range(len(memory.pcs)):
if (memory.pcs[i] & 0xffffffff) == magic:
idx = i
assert(idx != None)
return generate_new_pc_from_magic_high(memory.pcs[idx] >> 32, loop_n)
Sweet. Really sweet.
This basically means we are now able to unscramble the code of the son and reordering it completely without even physically running the binary nor generating traces.
Unscramble the code like a sir
Before showing, the code I just want to explain the process one more time:
- The son executes some code until it reaches a break instruction
- The father gets the $pc of the son and the variable that counts the number of break instruction the son executed
- The father generates a new $pc value from those two variables
- The father sets the new $pc
- The father continues its son
- Goto 1!
So basically to unscramble the code, we just need to simulate what the father would do & log everything somewhere. Couple of important details though:
- There are exactly 101 break instructions in the son, so 101 chunks of code will be executed and need to be reordered,
- The son is executing 6 rounds ; that's exactly why the QWORD array has 6*101 entries.
Here is the function I used:
def generate_son_code_reordered(debug = False):
'''This functions puts in the right order the son's block of codes without
relying on the father to set a new $pc value when a break is executed in the son.
With this output we are good to go to create a nanomites-less binary:
- We don't need the father anymore (he was driving the son)
- We have the code in the right order, so we can also remove the break instructions
It will also be quite useful when we want to execute symbolic-ly its code.
def parse_line(l):
addr_seg, instr, _ = l.split(None, 2)
_, addr = addr_seg.split(':')
return int('0x%s' % addr, 0), instr
son_code = code.block_code_of_son
next_break = 0
n_break = 0
cleaned_code = []
for _ in range(6):
for z in range(101):
i = 0
while i < len(son_code):
line = son_code[i]
addr, instr = parse_line(line)
if instr == 'break' and (next_break == addr or z == 0):
break_addr = addr
new_pc = generate_new_pc_from_pc_son_using_z3(break_addr, n_break)
n_break += 1
if debug:
print '; Found the %dth break (@%.8x) ; new pc will be %.8x' % (z, break_addr, new_pc)
state = 'Begin'
block = []
j = 0
while j < len(son_code):
line = son_code[j]
addr, instr = parse_line(line)
if state == 'Begin':
if addr == new_pc:
state = 'Log'
elif state == 'Log':
if instr == 'break':
next_break = addr
state = 'End'
elif state == 'End':
j += 1
if debug:
print ';', '='*25, 'BLOCK %d' % z, '='*25
print '\n'.join(block)
i += 1
return cleaned_code
And there it is :-)
The function outputs the unrolled and ordered code of the son. If you want to push further, you could theoretically perform an open-heart surgery to completely remove the nanomites from the original binary, isn't it cool? This is left as an exercise for the interested reader though :-)).
Attacking the son: the last man standing
Now that we have the code unscrambled, we can directly feed it to our engine but before doing so here are some details:
- As we said earlier, it looks like the son is executing 6 times the same code. This is not the case at all, every round will execute the same amount of instructions but not in the same order
- The computations executed can be seen as some kind of light encoding/encryption or decoding/decryption algorithm
- We have 6 rounds because the input serial is broken into 6 DWORDs (so 6 symbolic variables) ; so basically each round is going to generate an output DWORD
As previously, we need to copy the code we want to execute. Note that we can also use generate_son_code_reorganized to generate it dynamically. Next step is to configure the virtual environment and we are good to finally run the code:
def get_serial():
print '> Instantiating the symbolic execution engine..'
x = mini_mips_symexec_engine.MiniMipsSymExecEngine('decrypt_serial.log')
x.enable_z3 = True
print '> Generating dynamically the code of the son & reorganizing/cleaning it..'
# If you don't want to generate it dynamically like a sir, I've copied a version inside
# code.block_code_of_son_reorganized_loop_unrolled :-)
x.code = generate_son_code_reorganized()
print '> Configuring the virtual environement..'
x.gpr['fp'] = 0x7fff6cb0
x.stack_offsets['var_30'] = 24
start_addr = x.gpr['fp'] + x.stack_offsets['var_30'] + 8
# (gdb) x/6dwx $s8+24+8
# 0x7fff6cd0: 0x11111111 0x11111111 0x11111111
# 0x11111111 0x11111111 0x11111111
a, b, c, d, e, f = BitVecs('a b c d e f', 32)
x.mem[start_addr + 0] = a
x.mem[start_addr + 4] = b
x.mem[start_addr + 8] = c
x.mem[start_addr + 12] = d
x.mem[start_addr + 16] = e
x.mem[start_addr + 20] = f
print '> Running the code..'
The thing that matters this time is to find a, b, c, d, e, f so that they generate specific outputs ; so this is where Z3 is going to help us a lot. Thanks to that guy we don't need to manually invert the algorithm.
The final bit now is basically just about setting up the solver, setting the correct constraints and generating the serial you guys have been waiting for so long:
print '> Instantiating & configuring the solver..'
s = Solver()
x.mem[start_addr + 0] == 0x7953205b, x.mem[start_addr + 4] == 0x6b63616e,
x.mem[start_addr + 8] == 0x20766974, x.mem[start_addr + 12] == 0x534e202b,
x.mem[start_addr + 16] == 0x203d2043, x.mem[start_addr + 20] == 0x5d20333c,
print '> Solving..'
if s.check() == sat:
print '> Constraints solvable, here are the 6 DWORDs:'
m = s.model()
for i in (a, b, c, d, e, f):
print ' %r = 0x%.8X' % (i, m[i].as_long())
print '> Serial:', ''.join(('%.8x' % m[i].as_long())[::-1] for i in (a, b, c, d, e, f)).upper()
print '! Constraints unsolvable'
There we are, the final moment; drum roll
PS D:\Codes\NoSuchCon2014> python .\
Tests OK -- you are fine to go
> Instantiating the symbolic execution engine..
> Generating dynamically the code of the son & reorganizing/cleaning it..
> Configuring the virtual environement..
> Running the code..
> Instantiating & configuring the solver..
> Solving..
> Constraints solvable, here are the 6 DWORDs:
a = 0xFE446223
b = 0xBA770149
c = 0x75BA5111
d = 0x78EA3635
e = 0xA9D6E85F
f = 0xCC26C5EF
> Serial: 322644EF941077AB1115AB575363AE87F58E6D9AFE5C62CC
overclok@wildout:~/chall/nsc2014$ ./
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
Debian GNU/Linux 7 debian-mipsel ttyS0
debian-mipsel login: root
root@debian-mipsel:~# /home/user/crackmips 322644EF941077AB1115AB575363AE87F58E6D9AFE5C62CC
good job!
Next level is there:
Boom :-).
Alternative solution
In this part, I present an alternate solution to solve the challenge. It's somehow a shortcut, since it requires much less coding than Axel's one, and uses the awesome Miasm framework.
Shortcut #1 : Tracing the parent with GDB
Quick recap of the parent's behaviour
As Axel has previously explained, the first step is to recover the child's execution flow. Because of nanomites, the child is driven by the parent; we have to analyze the parent (i.e. the debug
function) first to determine the correct sequence of the child's pc
The parent's main loop is obfuscated, but by browsing cross-references of stack variables in IDA, we can see where each one is used. After a bit of analysis, we can try to decompile by hand the algorithm, and write a pseudo-Python code description of what the debug
function does (it is really simplified):
counter = 0
regs = ptrace(GETREGS)
# big block 1
addr = regs.pc
param = f(counter)
addr = obfu1(addr, param)
for i in range(605):
entry = pcs[i] # entry is 8 bytes long (2 dwords)
if(addr == entry.first_dword):
addr = entry.second_dword
# big block 2
addr = obfu2(addr, param)
regs.pc = addr
ptrace(SETREGS, regs)
counter += 1
if(not waitpid()):
The "big blocks" are the two long assembly blocks preceding and following the inner loop. Without looking at the gory details, we understand that a param
value is derived from the counter using a function that I call f
, and then used to obfuscate the original child's pc
. The result is then searched in a pcs
array (stored at address 0414130
), the next dword is extracted and used in a 2nd obfuscation pass to finally produce the new pc
value injected into the child.
The most important fact here is that that this process does not involve the input key at anytime. The output pc
sequence is deterministic and constant; two executions with two different keys will produce the same sequence of pc
's. Since we know the first value of pc
(the first break
instruction at 040228C), we can theoretically compute the correct sequence and then reorder the child's instructions according to this sequence.
We have two approaches for doing so:
- statical analysis: somehow understand each instruction used in obfuscation passes and rewrite the algorithm producing the correct sequence. This is the path followed by Axel.
- dynamic analysis: trace the program once and log all pc values.
Although the first one is probably the most interesting, the second is certainly the fastest. Again, it only works because the input key does not influence the output pc
sequence. And we're lucky: the child is already debugged by the parent, but nothing prevents us to debug the parent itself.
First attempt at tracing
Tracing is pretty straightforward with GDB using bp
and commands
. In order to understand the parent's algorithm a bit better, I first wrote a pretty verbose GDB script that prints the loop counter, param
variable as well as the original and new child's pc
for each iteration. I chose to put two breakpoints:
- The first one at the end of the first obfuscation blocks (0x401440)
- The second one before the
call at the end of the second block (0x0401D8C), in order to be able to read the child'spc
manipulated by the parent.
Here is the script:
# A few handy functions
def print_context_pc
printf "regs.pc = 0x%08x\n", *(int*)($fp-0x1cc)
def print_param
printf "param = 0x%08x\n", *(int*)($fp-0x2f0)
def print_addr
printf "addr = 0x%08x\n", *(int*)($fp-0x2fc)
def print_counter
printf "counter = %d\n", *(int*)($fp-0x300)
set pagination off
set confirm off
file crackmips
target remote # gdbserver address
# break at the end of block 1
b *0x401440
printf "\nNew round\n"
# break before the end of block 2
b *0x0401D8C
To run that script within GDB, we first need to start crackmips
with gdbserver in our qemu
VM. After a few minutes, we get the following (cleaned) trace:
New round
counter = 0
regs.pc = 0x0040228c
param = 0x00000000
addr = 0xcd0e9f0e
regs.pc = 0x00402290
New round
counter = 1
regs.pc = 0x004022bc
param = 0x00000000
addr = 0xcd0e99ae
regs.pc = 0x00402ce0
New round
counter = 2
regs.pc = 0x00402d0c
param = 0x00000000
addr = 0xcd0e420e
regs.pc = 0x00402da8
By reading the trace further, we realize that param
is always equal to counter/101
. This is actually the child's own loop counter, since its big loop is made of 101 pseudo basic blocks. We also notice that the pc
sequence is different for each child's loop: round 0 is not equal to round 101, etc.
Getting a clean trace
Since we're only interested in the final pc
value for each round, we can make a simpler script that just outputs those values. And organize them in a parsable format to be able to use them later in another script. Here is the version 2 of the script:
def print_context_pc
printf "0x%08x\n", *(int*)($fp-0x1cc)
set pagination off
set confirm off
file crackmips
target remote
# break before the end of block 2
b *0x0401D8C
The cleaned trace only contains the 606 pc
values, one on each line:
Mission 1: accomplished!
Shortcut #2 : Symbolic execution using Miasm
We now have the list of each start address of each basic block executed by the child. The next step is to understand what each one of them does, and reorder them to reproduce the whole algorithm.
Even though writing a symbolic execution engine from scratch is certainly a fun and interesting exercise, I chose to play with Miasm. This excellent framework can disassemble binaries in various architectures (among which x86, x64, ARM, MIPS, etc.), and convert them into an intermediate language called IR (intermediate representation). It is then able to perform symbolic execution on this IR in order to find what are the side effects of a basic block on registers and memory locations. Although there is not so much documentation, Miasm contains various examples that should make the API easier to dig in. Don't tell me that it is hard to install, it is really not (well, I haven't tried on Windows ;). And there is even a docker image, so you have no excuse to not try it!
Miasm symbolic execution 101
Before scripting everything, let's first see how to use Miasm to perform symbolic execution of one basic block. For the sake of simplicity, let's work on the first basic block of the child's main loop.
from miasm2.analysis.machine import Machine
from miasm2.analysis import binary
bi = binary.Container("crackmips")
machine = Machine('mips32l')
mn, dis_engine_cls, ira_cls =, machine.dis_engine, machine.ira
First, we open the crackme using the generic Container
class. It automatically detects the executable format and uses Elfesteem to parse it. Then we use the handy Machine
class to get references to useful classes we'll use to disassemble and analyze the binary.
BB_BEGIN = 0x00402290
BB_END = 0x004022BC
# Disassemble between BB_BEGIN and BB_END
dis_engine = dis_engine_cls(
dis_engine.dont_dis = [BB_END]
bloc = dis_engine.dis_bloc(BB_BEGIN)
print '\n'.join(map(str, bloc.lines))
Here, we disassemble a single basic block, by explicitly telling Miasm its start and end address. The disassembler is created by instantiating the dis_engine_cls
represents the binary stream we are working on. I admit the dont_dis
syntax is a bit weird; it is used to tell Miasm to stop disassembling when it reaches a given address. We do it here because the next instruction is a break
, and Miasm does not normally think it is the end of a basic block. When you run those lines, you should get this output:
LW V1, 0x38(FP)
SLL V0, V1, 0x2
ADDIU A0, FP, 0x18
ADDU V0, A0, V0
LW A0, 0x8(V0)
LW V0, 0x38(FP)
SUBU A0, A0, V0
SLL V0, V1, 0x2
ADDIU V1, FP, 0x18
ADDU V0, V1, V0
SW A0, 0x8(V0)
Okay, so we know how to disassemble a block with Miasm. Let's now see how to convert it into the Intermediate Representation:
# Transform to IR
ira = ira_cls()
irabloc = ira.add_bloc(bloc)[0]
print '\n'.join(map(lambda b: str(b[0]), irabloc.irs))
We instantiated the ira_cls
class and called its add_bloc
method. It takes a basic block as input and outputs a list of IR basic blocs; here we know that we'll get only one, so we use [0]
. Let's see what is the output of those lines:
V1 = @32[(FP+0x38)]
V0 = (V1 << 0x2)
A0 = (FP+0x18)
V0 = (A0+V0)
A0 = @32[(V0+0x8)]
V0 = @32[(FP+0x38)]
A0 = (A0+(- V0))
V0 = (V1 << 0x2)
V1 = (FP+0x18)
V0 = (V1+V0)
@32[(V0+0x8)] = A0
IRDst = loc_00000000004022BC:0x004022bc
Each one of those lines are instructions in Miasm's IR language. It is pretty easy: each instruction is described as a list of side-effects it has on some variables, using expressions and affectations. @32[...]
represents a 32-bit memory access; when it's on the left of an =
sign, it's a write access, when it's on the right it's a read. The last line uses the pseudo-register IRDst
, which is kind of the IR's pc
register. It tells Miasm where is located the next basic block.
Great! Let's see now how to perform symbolic execution on this IR basic block.
from miasm2.expression.expression import *
from import symbexec
from miasm2.expression.simplifications import expr_simp
# Prepare symbolic execution
symbols_init = {}
for i, r in enumerate(mn.regs.all_regs_ids):
symbols_init[r] = mn.regs.all_regs_ids_init[i]
# Perform symbolic exec
sb = symbexec(ira, symbols_init)
mem, exprs = sb.symbols.symbols_mem.items()[0]
print "Memory changed at %s :" % mem
print "\tbefore:", exprs[0]
print "\tafter:", exprs[1]
The first lines are initializing the symbol pool used for symbolic execution. We then use the symbexec
module to create an execution engine, and we give it our fresh IR basic block. The result of the execution is readable by browsing the attributes of sb.symbols
. Here I am mainly interested on the memory side-effects, so I use symbols_mem.items()
to list them. symbols_mem
is actually a dict whose keys are the memory locations that changed during execution, and values are pairs containing both the previous value that was in that memory cell, and the new one. There's only one change, and here it is:
Memory changed at (FP_init+(@32[(FP_init+0x38)] << 0x2)+0x20) :
before: @32[(FP_init+(@32[(FP_init+0x38)] << 0x2)+0x20)]
after: (@32[(FP_init+(@32[(FP_init+0x38)] << 0x2)+0x20)]+(- @32[(FP_init+0x38)]))
The expressions are getting a bit more complex, but still pretty readable. FP_init
represents the value of the fp
register at the beginning of execution. We can clearly see that a memory location as modified since a value was subtracted from it. But we can do better: we can give Miasm simplification rules in order to make this output much more readable. Let's do it!
# Simplifications
fp_init = ExprId('FP_init', 32)
zero_init = ExprId('ZERO_init', 32)
e_i_pattern = expr_simp(ExprMem(fp_init + ExprInt32(0x38), 32))
e_i = ExprId('i', 32)
e_pass_i_pattern = expr_simp(ExprMem(fp_init + (e_i << ExprInt32(2)) + ExprInt32(0x20), 32))
e_pass_i = ExprId("pwd[i]", 32)
simplifications = {e_i_pattern : e_i,
e_pass_i_pattern : e_pass_i,
zero_init : ExprInt32(0) }
def my_simplify(expr):
expr2 = expr.replace_expr(simplifications)
return expr2
print "%s = %s" % (my_simplify(exprs[0]) ,my_simplify(exprs[1]))
Here we declare 3 replacement rules:
- Replace
- Replace
@32[(FP_init+(i << 0x2)+0x20)]
- Replace
with 0 (although it is not really useful here)
There is actually a more generic way to do it using pattern matching rules with jokers, but we don't really need this machinery here. This the result we get after simplification:
pwd[i] = (pwd[i]+(- i))
That's all! So all this basic block does is a subtraction. What is nice is that the output is actually valid Python code :). This will be very useful in the last part.
Generating the child's algorithm
So in less than 60 lines, we were able to disassemble an arbitrary basic block, perform symbolic execution on it and get a pretty understandable result. We just need to apply this logic to the 100 remaining blocks, and we'll have a pythonic version of each one of them. Then, we simply reorder them using the GDB trace we got from the previous part, and we'll be able to generate 606 python lines describing the whole algorithm.
Here is an extract of the script automating all of this:
def load_trace(filename):
return [int(x.strip(), 16) for x in open(filename).readlines()]
def boundaries_from_trace(trace):
bb_starts = sorted(set(trace))
boundaries = [(bb_starts[i], bb_starts[i+1]-4) for i in range(len(bb_starts)-1)]
boundaries.append((0x4039DC, 0x04039E8)) # last basic bloc, added by hand
return boundaries
def exprs2str(exprs):
return ' = '.join(str(e) for e in exprs)
trace = load_trace("gdb_trace.txt")
boundaries = boundaries_from_trace(trace)
print "# Building IR blocs & expressions for all basic blocks"
bb_exprs = []
for zone in boundaries:
print "# Reconstructing the whole algorithm based on GDB trace"
bb_starts = [x[0] for x in boundaries]
for bb_ea in trace:
bb_index = bb_starts.index(bb_ea)
#print "%x : %s" % (bb_ea, exprs2str(bb_exprs[bb_index]))
print exprs2str(bb_exprs[bb_index])
The analyse_bb()
function perform symbolic execution on a single basic block, given its start and end addresses. This is just wrapping what we've been doing so far into a function. The GDB trace is opened, parsed, and a list of basic block addresses is built from it (we cheat a little bit for the last one of the loop, by hardcoding it). Each basic block is analyzed and the resulting expressions are pushed into the bb_exprs
list. Then the GDB trace is processed, by outputting the expressions corresponding to each basic block.
This is what we get:
# Building IR blocs & expressions for all basic blocks
# Reconstructing the whole algorithm based on GDB trace
pwd[i] = (pwd[i]+(- i))
pwd[i] = ((0x0|pwd[i])^0xFFFFFFFF)
pwd[i] = (pwd[i]^i)
pwd[i] = (pwd[i]^i)
pwd[i] = (pwd[i]+0x3ECA6F23)
pwd[i] = (pwd[i]+0x6EDC032)
pwd[i] = ((pwd[i] << 0x14)|(pwd[i] >> 0xC))
pwd[i] = ((pwd[i] << ((i+0x1)&0x1F))|(pwd[i] >> ((((0x0|i)^0xFFFFFFFF)+0x20)&0x1F)))
i = (i+0x1)
Solving with Z3
Okay, so now we have a Python (and even C ;) file describing the operations performed on the 6 dwords containing the input key. We could try to bruteforce it, but using a constraint solver is much more elegant and faster. I also chose Z3 because it has nice Python bindings. And since its expression syntax is mostly compatible with Python, we just need to add a few things to our generated file!
from z3 import *
import struct
solution_str = "[ Synacktiv + NSC = <3 ]"
solutions = struct.unpack("<LLLLLL", solution_str)
N = len(solutions)
# Hook Z3's `>>` so it works with our algorithm
# (logical shift instead of arithmetic one)
BitVecRef.__rshift__ = LShR
pwd = [BitVec("pwd_%d" % i, 32) for i in range(N)]
pwd_orig = [pwd[i] for i in range(N)]
i = 0
# paste here all the generated algorithm from previous part
pwd[i] = (pwd[i]+(- i))
pwd[i] = ((0x0|pwd[i])^0xFFFFFFFF)
# [...]
pwd[i] = ((pwd[i] << ((i+0x1)&0x1F))|(pwd[i] >> ((((0x0|i)^0xFFFFFFFF)+0x20)&0x1F)))
i = (i+0x1)
s = Solver()
for i in range(N):
s.add(pwd[i] == solutions[i])
assert s.check() == sat
m = s.model()
sol_dw = [m[pwd_orig[i]].as_long() for i in range(N)]
key = ''.join(("%08x" % dw)[::-1].upper() for dw in sol_dw)
print "KEY = %s" % key
We've declared the valid solution, the list of 6 32-bit variables (pwd
), pasted the algorithm, and ran the solver. We just need to be careful with the >>
operation, since Z3 treats it as an arithmetic shift, and we want a logical one. So we replace it with a dirty hook.
The solution should come almost instantly:
$ python
KEY = 322644EF941077AB1115AB575363AE87F58E6D9AFE5C62CC
Alternative solution - conclusion
I chose this solution not only to get acquainted with Miasm, but also because it required much less effort and pain :). It fits into approximately 20 lines of GDB script, and 120 of python using Miasm and Z3. You can find all of those in this folder. I hope it gave you an understandable example of symbolic execution and what you can do with it. However I strongly encourage you to dig into Miasm's code and examples if you want to really understand what's going on under the hood.
War's over, the final words
I guess this is where I thank both @elvanderb for this really cool challenge and @synacktiv for letting him write it :-). Emilien and I also hope you enjoyed the read, feel free to contact any of us if you have any remarks/questions/whatever.
Also, special thanks to @__x86 and @jonathansalwan for proofreading!
The codes/traces/tools developed in this post are all available on github here and here!
By the way, don't hesitate to contact a member of the staff if you have a cool post you would like to see here -- you too can end up in doar-e's wall of fame :-).